14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics

I participated the 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics which was held in Sendai International Center on 1-3 November. Even though this international center is very close to our campus, in fact, it was the first time for me to visit it.

Paul Chaikin, a professor from New York University, was giving a lecture whose subject is “Unstable Fronts and Stable ‘Critters’ from Micro-rollers, Self-assembly from Hydrodynamics”, which is very interesting and impressive.

A famous professor in NDT field, Gerd Dobmann, was giving a presentation. I think it could be informative to me and I could learn something from it, but I have to leave and attend another session. What a pity!

I felt a little bit nervous while explaining my research to many young researchers even though I had practiced for many times. I hope they can understand what I said. Besides presenting my research to others, I also listened to other researchers’ explanation and saw their posters. Most of them did a good work, and at the same time, I realized some distance between mine and theirs.

At lunch break, we met a doctor, and she is from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, and studying in TITECH as an exchange student now.

The Student Night, which is aimed at promoting the exchange among young researchers and different cultures, gave us a good chance to talk and EAT.

Ending with NDT party! And please ignore my deep red face.

