March 21-23, 2018
4th HTS4Fusion Conductor Workshop@Nagoya KKR Hotel

This year, four members from the High Temperature Superconductor Team asisted the 4th HST4Fusion workshop, which was held in Nagoya City, a place famous for exotic food dishes.

View from the HTS4Fusion workshop reception of Nagoya Castle.

After arriving to Nagoya Airport, we were received by 矢場トン piggies. Apparently they wanted Luis to become one of them. Notice how they point towards him.

Luis and Hasegawa-kun in front of 喫茶マウンテン, a caf? that serves very peculiar pasta dishes.

Luis decided to go for the safe route and ordered about 300 gr of amatriciana spaghetti. The other dish is spaghetti with strawberry sauce! one of the specialties from 喫茶マウンテン. We got to say it was delicious.

Ito-sensei astonished at the excess displayed by Luis as he proceeded to eat such an amount of spaghetti.

Dish of the day: Strawberry sauce pasta (hot dish). It was surprisingly good.

Success!!! We beat 喫茶マウンテン.

Luis casting a magic spell while explaining his poster contents.

Mr. Hasegawa giving his short presentation on hybrid conductors.

Fighting back-to-back, Luis and Hasegawa-kun struggle as they explain the poster contents to the audience.

Prof. Ito giving is presentation.

Luis with Ito-sensei, Yanagi-sensei and Dr. della Corte after accepting the prize for eating too much spaghetti (a.k.a prize for best poster presentation).

Luis, Mr. Hasegawa and Mr. Chen(禁酒中) having a good time at the banquet.

Group picture of the 4th HTS4Fusion Workshop.

At the Large Helical Device control room, National Institute for Fusion Science.

After the Workshop was finished, the group went to an excursion to National Institute for Fusion Science and Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology. I can’t explain what is happening in this picture but they seem to have lots of fun.

There was a wind chamber in the museum so Mr. Chen, Mr. Hasegawa and Luis gave it a try.


