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Recently, industrial demand for materials has been much higher. For this reason, many researchers have focused on ultrafine-grained metal (UFGM) manufactured by severe plastic deformation. UFGM is a metallic material with a mean crystal grain size of 1 micrometer or less; however macroscopic mechanical response based on microstructure is still unclear. In this research, we predict high reliable yield function by comparing numerical simulation considering the microstructure of metals with experimental observations. In addition, we aim to perform seamlessly design, development, and practical application using CAE on structural analysis.



結晶構造の変化に伴って生じる塑性変形挙動の一つ,変態誘起塑性:Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP)を利用したTRIP鋼と呼ばれる最先端材料があります.TRIP鋼は強度と延性を両立し,衝撃吸収にも優れているため自動車の構造材料等への利用が進んでいます.TRIP鋼に関して機械的特性の向上を目的として研究が行われていますが,従来の巨視的な力学応答測定試験ではTRIP鋼の微視的な相変態メカニズムがわかりません.本研究では,ナノインデンテーション試験によってTRIP鋼の局所的な力学挙動について評価し,TRIP現象のメカニズム解明を試みています.

Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of TRIP Steels by Nanoindentation Method

Transformation Induced Plasticity, namely TRIP, is one of the plastic deformation modes. TRIP occurs due to crystal structure changes and is utilized as a cutting-edge material called TRIP steels. TRIP steels used as material for automobiles show high strength, good ductility, and excellent shock absorption properties. Research is conducted on TRIP steels to improve their mechanical properties. However, conventional measurement tests for a macroscopic mechanical response do not reveal the microscopic phase transformation mechanism of TRIP steels. In this study, we evaluate the local mechanical behavior of TRIP steels by nanoindentation tests and attempt to reveal the mechanism of TRIP phenomena.

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